Blue Angels Foundation
San Francisco Dinner


October 10 – 11, 2025


6:00 – 9:00PM CT


Ritz Carlton Dinner
Saturday / Sunday Air Show: Chalet on Marina Green


Captain Steve Foley at [email protected] 
former Commanding Officer, Blue Angels


Table Captains (15 tables; 10 guests per table)


The Blue Angels Foundation Dinner brings together patriotic business leaders from the San Francisco and surrounding cities and communities. The evening begins with a 45-minute reception followed by seated dinner.

The “run of program” begins with the National Anthem before settling into a delicious dinner followed by a ten minute key note. This key note is delivered by a Blue Angels Foundation (BAF) board member who introduces a powerful and emotional video sharing the personal story of one of the wounded warriors who has benefitted from the continuum of care the BAF funds. At the conclusion of the video, the guests are able to meet the wounded warrior in person, hear them share their personal experience, and take part in a question-and-answer session.

It is a powerful evening that will leave you with a renewed sense of pride in our nation and the service members who serve to preserve our freedoms. This dinner also serves to help kick off “Fleet Week”, a patriotic week supporting the US Navy. Fleet Week concludes with the Blue Angels performing over San Francisco bay.

For more information please reach out to me. I hope to see you at the there

Steve Foley